sedan 2001
2012/4/30 INK <>Are you serious with the 10 players per country registrationlimitation? You should at least divide the positions by percentage ofthe WPPR top-100 - with a minimum of, say, 2 players from eachcountry. Some countries, like Sweden, have a lot of competitiveplayers, whereas countries as Norway hardly have any at all.- That's what we intended to mean with "flexible quota of 10 players per country", probably quotas for Sweden, Germany or Netherlands will be greater, but in the other hand, understand that is not easy to say to anyone "Sorry, you are not well positioned on WPPR ranking, so you can't come". To us, that's not fair.And what's with not presenting the qualification system? Some of thebest players won't register if the system isn't fair.- That's fully my fault. I'm working on it against watch. Just my thoughts.- That are welcome Inderman