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Meddelanden - TheRealEdDK

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Tävlingar / SV: Flipper Center Open 2018, 12-13 oktober.
« skrivet: oktober 02, 2018, 22:38:30 »
Emil ED Dreiborg og Thomas TKJ Jakobsen må desværre melde afbud... :(

Tävlingar / SV: Borås Pinball Open 2018 (21-23/9)
« skrivet: september 26, 2018, 19:35:41 »
What a great weekend yet again in Borås..!
Thank you for 4 great tournaments in "one" and lots of free play machines... :)
The only problem I had was the lack of information between qualifying and the different rounds...
No gathering to let people know who advanced and when to start...
Most of the times you'd have to run around after people who had the next rounds group scoresheet to see if you were on it or people had to find you...
Especially the side classic pingolf was hard to follow, as there was no live standings to see if you were in or out...

But all in all I'm really satisfied and thankfull for an amazing weekend up north... :)

Tävlingar / SV: Flipper Center Open 2018, 12-13 oktober.
« skrivet: augusti 29, 2018, 16:12:38 »
Emil ED Dreiborg #42532
Thomas Krogsbøl Jakobsen TKJ #53817

kommer fra Danmark lørdag

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Månadstävling 15/6
« skrivet: juni 26, 2018, 09:08:10 »
Rapporteret til IFPA..? :)
Eller er det IFPA der er langsomme..? ;)

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2018, 21-22 april
« skrivet: maj 06, 2018, 09:39:21 »
Ah okay...

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2018, 21-22 april
« skrivet: maj 01, 2018, 13:31:53 »
Resultaten för LPA Open och Pin-Golfen är inskickade till IFPA.

Jeg kan ikke finde Pin-Golf turneringen nogle steder på IFPA..?

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2018, 21-22 april
« skrivet: april 20, 2018, 09:48:22 »
Sasha SLY Lyck (who I've paid for via PayPal) would like to get off the waitlist and get her money back if possible...
I know it's after the cancellation date, but does it count for cancel from the waitlist too..?

-Emil ED Dreiborg

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Månadstävling 16/2
« skrivet: mars 08, 2018, 14:14:01 »
Ingen resultater på IFPA endnu..?

Point fra Pinlab's senere turnering er kommet... :-/

Endnu engang tak for en hyggelig aften... :)

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2018, 21-22 april
« skrivet: januari 08, 2018, 10:41:21 »
Emil ED Dreiborg #42532

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Månadstävling fredag 17/11
« skrivet: december 11, 2017, 01:00:23 »
Stadig intet resultat på IFPA..?

Tävlingar / SV: EPC 2017 • 20-22 oktober • Pinballseye
« skrivet: oktober 10, 2017, 17:48:51 »
Att sätta upp sig som funktionär gav tydligen ingen förtur till det kvalpass, som man hade valt. :(
Jag vill minnas att jag inte valde att kvala kl. 09,00.

I don't think I had an option to choose timeslot at all...
So maybe you didn't..?

Tävlingar / SV: Borås Pinball Open 2017 – 22/9-24/9
« skrivet: september 26, 2017, 07:19:03 »
and with lowest seed always picking the machine (often the same one)...

I won't choose Power Play next time Emil.  ;D

Nice to meet you and everbody else at this great tournament. :D Looking forward to next month.
Hope you get to play Emil.  :)


Haha, that's okay... You gotta do, what you gotta do... ;) Whatever works... :P
But I also learned how to play it a bit better... :)

I look forward to EPC and really hope I get to play too... :D

Thanks and see you next time...

Tävlingar / SV: Borås Pinball Open 2017 – 22/9-24/9
« skrivet: september 25, 2017, 12:58:41 »
Thank you for a cool tournament with lots for playtime and nice machines (maybe have something to do on Sunday for people who didn't advance in anything)...
I really enjoy match play where you get to meet people and watch them play, but maybe it should have a dedicated timeslot, so it's easier to find oppenents... And then I don't understand the choise of score chart format with a difficult overview of points and with lowest seed always picking the machine (often the same one)... I would suggest a grit format with 1's and 0's and a coin toss for machine pick... :)

Overall a great weekend and I look forward to coming back for EPC (hoping that 4 people will cancel so I still get in)... :)

See you and thanks again...
-ED (Emil)

Tävlingar / SV: Borås Pinball Open 2017 – 22/9-24/9
« skrivet: september 21, 2017, 20:48:08 »
Hej INK...

I will join Mads ELK in the car from Denmark Saturday morning and will participate in the tournament..! :D

Emil ED Dreiborg #42532

Tävlingar / SV: Borås Pinball Open 2017 – 22/9-24/9
« skrivet: september 14, 2017, 17:37:23 »
Registration is open until we start playing!  ;)

400 SEK at arrival.

Friday is possible to skip, no worries.

Ok tack...

Anyone able to host a quite Dane from Saturday to Sunday or know chep accommodations nearby..? :)

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