
sedan 2001

Medieval Madness ROM rev. 1.09 Home

Torbjörn M

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På IPDB kan man ladda hem en inofficiell ROM-version, 1.09, till MM.
Undrar nu vad som skiljer denna från originalet (1.0) förutom att den är FREE PLAY ONLY?
Finns det några buggfixar värda namnet?


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Se listan nedan. Free play går att ta bort på samma sätt som för alla andra home rom.

This is an UNOFFICIAL release of Medieval Madness.

G11:   Version 1.09 - FREE PLAY ONLY
   Checksum: DC10
   Sound Version: 1.0
   Date: 03 June 1999

Changes since version 1.0:

   This game is now configured for an 8 meg ROM.

   When a troll was hit during the smack-a-troll grace period,
   the state of the rule was not being reset properly.  This has
   been corrected.

   Video mode now takes precedence over smack-a-troll when
   both are qualified to start from Merlin's Magic (Smack-A-Troll
   is qualified at Merlin's Magic after Super Jets is started
   for the third time).

   When smack-a-troll finishes, the total points scored for the
   feature are displayed.

   Video mode lamp effect now displays the shoot again lamp, so
   the player gets some feedback when he/she collects the video
   mode extra ball.

   Scored Merlin targets now carry over from ball to ball.

   Added a cheer sound to the High Score display effects.

   The 1 coin buy in adjustment no longer appears in the pricing
   adjustment menu.

   Changed the video mode cow qualification count (launching
   the cow from the catapult) from 3 to 2.

   Troll lock and troll eject combo awards (the ones that award
   troll bombs) were being given out during multiball.  This has
   been corrected.

   The High Score title for the multiball madness champion was
   being plotted incorrectly.  This has been corrected.

   Ball search of the tower lock post was causing switch hits
   (and thus, awards) on the tower exit switch when a ball was
   stuck in the tower area.  This has been corrected.

   Fixed a bug in custom message that would cause some messages
   to be displayed incorrectly.

Torbjörn M

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Och hur tar man bort Freeplay ur romarna?
Tacksam för svar.


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  • Stad: Huddinge
Du letar upp ett program jag gjorde för många år sedan som heter anypic.

Programmet patchar rom så att de går att använda med vilken security PIC som helst men det hade också en funktion för att lägga till eller ta bort "free play only".

Det fungerar på all WPC rom utom Dr. Dude (det är egentligen är ett system 11 spel) och CV2.0 (eftersom Cameron tog bort all kod som hanterar credits)

Jag kanske har det på en CD nånstans om du inte kan hitta det.


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wpcmame...can du maile meg din anypic program ?

har prøved å lete etter den men "no luck !"

