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Samåkning till tävling i Oslo, Norge 13-14 mars


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  • Stad: Borås
Sugen på tre tävlingar nästa helg i Oslo? Två platser kvar i bil som avgår från Borås ca 13.00 på fredagen. Hotellrum (dubbelt) finns för ca 1.000 kr/natt ett par minuters promenad från spellokalen. Hemresa efter hotellfrukosten på söndagen.


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Setter pris på at du poster her, det er som du sier 3 komplette turneringer over fredag + lørdag 13-14 mars :)

 Anledningen er en minneturnering for min kone Sandra, som døde mai 2018, av hjernekreft. Jeg holder minneturneringer iblant, hvor deler av inntektene blir donert til hjernesvulstforeningen.
Turneringene denne gangen er dermed litt tematisk lagt opp å reflektere dette.

Link til facebook event:

Info for dere uten facebook:

"For our tournament in March it is a personal wish to arrange a memorial tournament for my dear Sandra. This saturday, 14th of March, she would have turned 33 years, if life had not taken its brutal twist and the cancer hadnt been so f***ing aggressive. If she still was here with us she would have for sure brought lots of cakes and not let a single unfair drain go away in silence.

Many in the pinball environment knew Sandra, and we with to do abit more out of this saturday. So we will have a warmup tournament on friday 13th, and two tournaments on saturday 14th. It will be some prizes for the winners, and parts of the entrance fee for the tournaments will be donated to the norwegian brain tumor association,which is what she wanted people to donate to instead of birthday gifts, for her last birthday with us, in 2018.

In advance, thank you for your attention and your contributions to this weekend! "
- Morten Søbyskogen


Friday 13th: Warmup Tournament Death Race
Groups of four (or three) will play rounds on one machine, getting points 4-2-1-0. The target score for advancing is 22 points. When a player reaches 22 points, that player has secured a place in the playoffs and will not be playing the rest of the qualification rounds. When top 8 spots are taken, qualification is over and semifinals will start.
Two groups of four playing best of four or five games, depending on amount of games reached in qualification. Top two in each group advances. Finals is the same as semi.
18.00 - 19.00: Doors open (practice allowed)
19.00 - 22.00: Qualifying rounds.
22.00 - 00.00: Semifinals and finals

Saturday 14th:
Tournament 1: Group Matchplay
Groups of four (or three), each round consists of two machines, one classic and one modern. 7-5-3-1 points. Swiss pairing.
Top 8 advance to semifinals, playing three games. 7-5-3-1. Top 2 in each group advance. Finals is top 4 playing three machines.
11: Doors open (No practice)
12:00 - 12:40: Round 1
12.40 - 13.20: Round 2
13.20 - 14.00: Round 3
14.00 - 14.40: Round 4
14.40 - 15.20: Round 5
15.30 - 16.30: Semifinals (Dinner break for those out)
16.30 - 17.30: Finals (Dinner break for those out)

As soon as you are out, we advice people to take a break and eat.
We might take a break between the finals instead if needed.

Tournament 2: Critical Hit Matchplay

Short rules overview:
Quick guide to cards:

1 card to every player upon registration.
Each round consists of 1 game, random grouping and random game choice. Points 3-2-1-0. A card is given to 1st and 4th player in each group. After four rounds, the last remaining 6 cards are auctioned off to charity. After 6 rounds, topp 8 players advance.
In semifinals, each group plays three games, top two in each group advances. In finals four games are played.

19.00 - 19.30: Round 1
19.30 - 20.00: Round 2
20.00 -20.30: round 3
20.30 - 21.00: Round 4
21.00 - 21.15: Auction of remaining cards (donated to charity)
21.15 - 21.45: Round 5
21.45 - 22.15: Round 6
22.15 - 23.15: Semifinals (best of four games)
23.15 - 00.15: Finals, best of four games (4-2-1-0)

Bring your own beer.

The ifpa points earned in these tournaments will also count towards the Norwegian Championship Series. Updated rankings will always be found here:
« Senast ändrad: mars 06, 2020, 17:05:39 av Edenecho »


  • Sr. Member
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  • Stad: Oslo
Oppdaterte schedule, på lørdag starter den første turneringen klokka 12.

Det er ingen påmeldingsliste, det er bare å møte opp.


  • Sr. Member
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    • Antal inlägg: 311
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  • Stad: Oslo
grunnet lockdowns osv ble vi nødt til å utsette denne.
Kommer sterkere tilbale og arrangerer en enda større minneturnering når det lar seg gjøre!

