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IFPA Deadlines och Ändringar Årsslutet 2023


  • Hero Member
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    • Antal inlägg: 1099
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  • Stad: Götet

Skicka gärna in resultat, ändringar, etc. innan fjärde januari 2024.

WPPR 6.0 ändringar är ju mest för topp 250, men även ändringar i tiebreakers för avancemang eller gräddfiler att dom nu måste spelas. Ändringar för trösttävlingar (Dom måste vara öppna för alla spelare). Ändringar med spelbyte för att snabba på slutspel.

Creation of the “WPPR PRO” rankings
This ranking will analyze to what extent the results making up that player’s ranking are a representative sample of all the active results over the past 3 years on that player’s profile.
To the extent that it is representative, your relative rank will go up. To the extent that it is not representative, your relative rank will go down. More details on the “WPPR PRO” formula can be found HERE.
The “WPPR PRO” rankings will list the top 250 players ranked in the ‘Main’ system after this v6.0 adjustment is made and the top 100 players ranked in ‘Women’s’ system after this v6.0 adjustment is made.
The “WPPR PRO” rankings will be the metric that is officially used for IFPA World Pinball Championship qualifying and seeding, along with who we crown as the “World’s Greatest Pinball Player” for finishing in the #1 spot.
Reduction in the number of events that count towards a player’s world ranking.
Reduced from 20 events down to 15 events.
IFPA North American Championship Series will remain at 20 events counting in those standings.
Dynamic portion of the WPPR Point Distribution formula will be changing. The dynamic distribution will stretch to anyone that finishes in the top half of the field regardless of the number of players at the event (previously this was capped at the top 64 players for any events with more than 128 participants).

The IFPA will be implementing a $1 sanctioning fee for Women’s events in North America starting in 2024.

Update to eligibility requirements for events to grade out to >100%

Previously the finals format must include an elimination format that includes a minimum of 10% of the participants to be eligible. This elimination format must include a round where a maximum of 4 players remain.
We are adding the requirement that any meaningful tiebreakers to either receive a bye, advance to finals or advance through rounds within finals cannot be done through an automatic tiebreaking process. These tiebreakers must be played out.

Any players currently playing their turn in another match at the same location cannot be penalized as absent for the other concurrent events. This only applies to concurrent events that both have direct play formats.

Tournaments that run an UNLIMITED Card qualifying format with a minimum 20 hours of qualifying time, will have those qualifying games counted at 4X value (16% increase to TGP for each game included in the qualifying standings).
Unlimited Best Game qualifying format with a minimum 20 hours of qualifying time will continue to have those qualifying games counted at 2X value.

Updated rules verbiage for removing available games during an event – Most commonly done in an effort to speed an event up, we have seen TD’s increase the usage of Classics machines as an event progresses as Classics machines often finish quicker than Modern machines.
The IFPA expects TD’s to maintain consistency throughout the entire event with respect to the types of machines that are available to be played. Any efforts made to alter the game availability list anytime during an event in such a way that it
materially changes the mix of machines that was present at the start of the event will no longer earn TGP after the point at which this change is made. For example, having an event that requires players to play Modern and Classics machines,
which then materially decreases or eliminates the amount in which Modern (or Classics) machines are used at some point in the event would trigger this rule. Please contact the IFPA if you have any questions regarding how this rule impacts your event.

As we come to the end of another year, the 2023 season brings the changeover to our WPPR v6.0 system. Details on the WPPR v6.0 changes can be found HERE.
The 2024 season also brings us some additional challenges with the IFPA sanctioning fee expanding to include Women’s only events held in North America.

In order to close the books on 2023, we ask any organizer with open tournament results to submit those to us by Thursday, January 4th.
Furthermore, any corrections to player misspellings, incorrect results, improper scoring issues, etc., need to be addressed by January 4th as well.
Please take some time to review your own personal results to see if anything looks out of place.

Our plan is to lock down 2023 rankings on January 4th, and use the standings at that time for any IFPA-related campaigns (IFPA19 World Championship qualifications, IFPA Women’s World Championship, Stern Rewards Program, Player of the Year, etc.).
Any errors caught after that point in time will NOT impact the 2023 standings, although those changes will be reflected in the 2024 rankings going forward.

The 2024 season brings with it the start of qualifying for the following IFPA campaigns:
– IFPA North American Championship Series
– IFPA Women’s North American Championship Series
– IFPA European Championship Series
– any IFPA Country Championship Series
– IFPA20 World Pinball Championship
– IFPA Women’s World Pinball Championship
– Stern Pro Circuit (2024 season)

Any questions please contact us at, and remember that if your profile doesn’t say ‘Registered’ with a green check mark, that we do NOT have your email address on file.
Players that don’t have their profile ‘Registered’ are ineligible to participate in any IFPA Championship Series.

With the North American Championship Series (NACS) and Women’s North American Championship Series (WNACS) planned for January 20th and 21st, 2024 respectively, registration process is going to be fast.
Players will have until the end of January 7th, 8pm CST to declare the State/Province they wish to compete in. Contact your IFPA State Representative to make sure you are registered for the state you wish to play in.
Contact the IFPA Women’s Advisory Board at for questions on the WNACS.
